You are needed to develop an application which permits

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Reference no: EM13463938

You are required to develop an application that allows clients running on MS Windows platforms to send sequences of strings to an echo server running on a windows platform. The server simply echoes each string back to the client. Just design the two programs on one computer. Note that the server will have to run first before the client begins.

Connection is terminated when the string "bye" is sent to the server.

The client program should

· Allow the user supply the IP address and port number of the server.
· Allow the user to initiate a connection.
· Support dialog with the user such that the user can see the strings he has sent and the responses from the server.

The server should, on accepting a connection request, send a greeting message immediately.

Subsequently, the server should echo strings received from the client. Connection should terminate on receipt of the "bye" message.

Reference no: EM13463938

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