Reference no: EM132580640 , Length: 1200 Words
Written Assignment - Annotated Bibliography
It probably feels like we just started our learning in this class, but this week we're going to begin planning for our final paper. To begin, start thinking about a topic for our final persuasive essay. You learned about persuasive writing during this week's lecture - and we'll get into more details about the essay in the coming weeks - but for now, let's focus on two areas:
1. Select a topic for this essay about which you are passionate.
2. Locate five sources that will be helpful in the research of your final paper. You're going to submit these sources in the form of an annotated bibliography. "Annotation" is another word for "notes." Using APA formatting, write the name of the source. Directly below the source, write an annotation of approximately 100-125 words. In the following links you will find some examples of annotated bibliographies.
List of approved topics - Persuasive Topics
Here are the approved topics for the persuasive essay. You do not have to select one from your own program of study, but if you select a topic that is not on the list, you must first get approval from your course faculty member.
Health Sciences and Nursing
Healthcare as a right or privilege
Mandatory or voluntary vaccines
Electronic medical records versus paper records
Diversity awareness in healthcare - mandatory or voluntary
Tech and Design
Ethical responsibility for video game content - yes or no
Video games do/do not reinforce stereotypes.
Marketing of videogames should/should not be subject to parental control
Websites and hypertext transfer protocols
Criminal Justice
Interpreters in court do/do not influence verdicts and sentencing
Mandatory sentencing is/is not a deterrent for certain crimes
Privatizing prisons will/will not make the system more efficient
Single parents homes do/do not cause higher crime rates
Race helps/does not help in community policing
Home childcare is/is not a viable alternative to day care
Pre-school should/should not be mandatory
Breastfeeding is/is not better for mothers and children
Standardized testing should/should not take place in kindergarten
Business and personal ethics should/should not converge
Diversity awareness is/is not mandatory for success in business
The Global Economy is/is not the basis for business expansion
Marketing to children is/is not ethical
Attachment:- Annotated Bibliography Assignment File.rar