Reference no: EM132267362
Assignment: Transformational leadership
Fill in the template shown in the attachments below.
Section 1 - Description of Business
a. Industry the company is in:
Jewelry design and Fashion. The sale of goods.
Differences from other jewelry and fashion companies:
? The theme
? The portability (enables me to easily go to any art show OR post up in an easier location and just stay there)
? There are quite a few goth shops in New England, but not too many Steampunk shops despite the trend becoming very popular online
b. What the company does:
Selling bespoke Steampunk Jewelry and Fashion via a portable jewelry kiosk cart, to gain enough capital to eventually open a storefront. The product will be sourced from local Steampunk artisan's that have a passion for their craft.
c. Major products and/or services provided by company:
Steampunk (Victorian fashion mixed with industrial elements like gears and watch parts) jewelry, fashion, sculptures, and accessories made by local artisans.
d. Who are their customers :
I've come to notice that a lot of people that like the Steampunk art forms are either people from the goth scene OR older folks that may be interested in period dramas because this art form and fashion look deeply plays on the victorian theme.
Section 2 - Classes of stock (include amounts authorized and outstanding)
Section 3 - Management's discussion and analysis
a. Summary of financial events mentioned:
b. Management's outlook about the future of the company:
c. Future goals (financial and otherwise) for the company:
Section 4 - Ratio calculations and analysis (show equations using Word's equation tool)
a. Comments on trends suggested by the ratios:
Section 5 - Common-size Income Statement and Balance Sheet
Insert a table for each statement showing the last two years data converted to common-size percentages.
Section 6 - Growth Rates
Comments on growth rates:
PHASE IV: Final Assembly and Works Cited
Information related to above question is enclosed below:
Attachment:- Track1Template-10-KAnalysis.rar