Writing the final research paper

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Reference no: EM1327182

The Final Research Paper should address a topic that is connected to the content of this course (elements and requirements of a valid contract; issues related to real and personal property; intellectual property; employment law; and/or, international law and the global marketplace.)  This paper should focus on a legal issue or situation that relates to a business environment or activity with a focus on the legal impact technology has on this issue. Ideally, this topic would concern a matter that you have experienced or that you have knowledge of; however, this not a requirement, only a suggestion. Apply the legal concepts and ethical considerations discussed in this course to your chosen topic. At a minimum this paper should include: 

A detailed description of the topic.  An analytical discussion of the legal issues that are involved. This would entail examining the issue from different viewpoints. A discussion of ethical considerations (Remember: What is legal may not be ethical). A discussion of the legal impact technology has on this issue. A well defined and logically stated argument to support your position. This would include any suggestion or ideas for improvement in this area of law. Four research sources, two of which must be from the Ashford Library.  

The paper also needs to meet the writing requirements that are set out below under “Writing the Final Research Paper."

Writing the Final Paper

The Final Paper:

1.    Must be eight to ten double-spaced pages in length, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.


Reference no: EM1327182

Questions Cloud

Why does money have a time value : Business Finance – Final Exam BUS401(2010A):  Why does money have a time value? Your answer must be supported with examples and academic citations.
Violence against women : Violence Against Women, An Integrative Feminist Model The Evolving Feminist Perspective, on Intimate Partner Violence
Summary balance sheet data : Summary balance sheet data for Greener Gardens Co. is shown below (in thousands of dollars).  The company is in a highly seasonal business, and the data show its assets and liabilities at peak and off-peak seasons:
Supply chains and working capital management : Supply Chains and Working Capital Management: -  Examine the key reasons why a business may not want to hold too much or too little working capital. Provide examples that illustrate the consequences of either situation.
Writing the final research paper : The paper also needs to meet the writing requirements that are set out below under “Writing the Final Research Paper."
Annotated bibliography : The purpose of the annotated bibliography is to assist you in developing research analysis skills including critical thinking, writing, and literature research skills.
Find the present value : Find the present value of $3,600 under each of the following rates and periods. (If you solve this problem with algebra round intermediate calculations to 6 decimal places, in all cases round your final answer to the nearest penny.)
Pmbok course : According to PMBOK, a project charter is a formal agreement that ensures project stakeholders share a common understanding of why the project is being done, the time frame, deliverables, boundaries, and responsibilities.
Employee surveillance - provide a justification : Suggest at least three methods for an employer to monitor its employees’ use of company equipments. Provide a justification for your response


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