Reference no: EM133276807
This is a relatively new assignment for my teaching of Organizational Behavior. I have already posted on your homepage a piece of original writing called the Basic Social System Conceptual Scheme. It is a device that helps you to understand the forces that eventually create the emergent system (behaviors) of any group in any organization. This piece is self-explanatory, but I will answer, of course, any questions you might have.
I have given it you as a general device for group analysis. I have decided to provoke you to actually utilize it as a mid-term assignment.
What I want you to do is this:
1) Read the piece. Pasted again below and on your Homepage
2) Write me (course mail) with any questions you have about it.
3) Think of the implications of the BSSCS in terms of your organization...present or past.
4) Then...analyze one of the following groups by using the BSSCS
a) The New York City Police Department
b) The U.S. Senate
c) The NY Yankees
d) The United Nations
My expectation is that you will fully delineate and discuss all Background Factors, The Required System, The Leadership Style, The Emergent System and, eventually, The Consequences for that group.