Writing for interactive social media platforms

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Reference no: EM131971273

Foundations in Public Health

Learning objectives
Upon successful completion of this subject students should be able to:
A. Appraise public health scholarship/thinking and its major components
B. Contrast the different and comparable elements of biomedical and public health perspectives/approaches to health issues
C. Analyse and relate the historical and disciplinary roots of contemporary public health
D. Describe the role and contribution of different health fields to public health scholarship
E. Recognise a range of key international public health issues
F. Appraise the relevance and insights of public health to a number of important substantive topics currently challenging health systems, health care and health outcomes


Topic 1: The history and core components of public health scholarship

  • The definitions and origins of public health
  • Outlining the biomedical and public health models/approaches to health
  • Introduction to research methods and designs used in public health

Topic 2: Key Areas of Public Health

  • Burden of Disease
  • Social Determinants of Health
  • Health inequalities
  • Ethics and Public Health
  • Health Care Systems

Topic 3: Substantive topics in Contemporary Public Health

  • Ageing
  • Communicable Diseases
  • Non-Communicable Diseases and Injury
  • Implementation and Translation Research in Public Health

Assessment task 1: Power point presentation (and speaker notes) on a public health approach

Intent: Through this assignment students will identify and explore the role of public health scholarship in helping understand and address contemporary health challenges. The brevity of discussion required for the PowerPoint slides will develop refinement of the main issues related to a Public Health topic.

Objective(s): This assessment task addresses subject learning objective(s): A, C, D and F

This assessment task contributes to the development of graduate attribute(s): 1.0 and 4.0

Task: Students will design and produce a power point presentation of 8-10 slides and write related speaker notes focusing upon a relevant health challenge, outlining possible public health research questions that can be raised to address the challenge. The speaker notes will

discuss and reflect upon the public health issue as presented in the slides and will include reference to evidence from the literature.

*Assessment task 2: Writing for interactive social media platforms

Intent: This assignment will develop understanding the impact and scholarship of social media knowledge in the area of Public Health. The interactive and rapid response function of digital platforms will introduce students to a range of lay views and views/reviews from content experts in the area of Public Health.

Objective(s): This assessment task addresses subject learning objective(s): A, D, E and F This assessment task contributes to the development of graduate attribute(s): 1.0 and 4.0

Task: Students will design and produce a series of ‘dummy' features/stories/postings on a number of Public Health social media platforms (i.e. Facebook, twitter, blogs, etc) with the intent to promote positive public health messages around a given contemporary public health issue. Students will produce a number of ‘entries' which reflect upon the design, content and possible audience reaction to their platform material.

Assessment task 3: Critical analysis of media item

Intent: This assignment will help students identify and develop their understanding and critical appraisal of public health thinking and its applicability to contemporary health and health care topics.

Objective(s): This assessment task addresses subject learning objective(s): A, C, D and F

Task: Students will be provided with a number of media features for contemporary public health topics.

Students will be required to reflect upon how the contemporary health issue is reported by the different media outlets. Additionally students are to consider and critically appraise public health perspectives and understandings for these issues, with comparison to a biomedical approach to the problem. Students will produce a report outlining their critical appraisal supported by and contextualised by relevant peer-reviewed literature.

*Need only Assessment task 2

Attachment:- Articles.rar

Verified Expert

The word doc details some social media posts that create awareness about a contemporary public health issue: obesity and physical activity.

Reference no: EM131971273

Questions Cloud

What are the differences between leadership and followership : What are the differences between leadership and followership? Review with the class the qualities of effective leaders discussed in this chapter.
Provide an example of the possible legal consequences : Provide an example of the possible legal consequences of communication that need to be considered. Provide few examples if possible.
Are you giving this project the time and energy it requires : Describe the strategies you're using to develop your EQ development area? How do you think/feel you're doing so far - Are you practicing?
Explain observational and experimental epidemiology : Explain observational and experimental epidemiology as the two study designs apply to either of the diseases you have chosen.
Writing for interactive social media platforms : 96702 Foundations in Public Health - Writing for interactive social media platforms - mpact and scholarship of social media knowledge in area of Public Health
Explore the functions of communication : Which is more important: the formulation of a strategy or the implementation of a strategy? What are the challenges associated with your choice?
Discuss the skills of effective communication : Can you imagine an effective leader who is not an effective communicator? Leadership communication skills are very important.
Describe the basic types of epidemiologic study designs : Describe the basic types of epidemiologic study designs that are used to test hypotheses, identify associations and establish causation.
Explain the three main observational study designs : Explain the three main observational study designs, if you are to conduct an observational study of a population grouped into smokers and non-smokers.



5/5/2018 2:29:32 AM

In this class we will reach a common understanding of what Public Health is, tracing its origins as a discipline and its relevance and application today We will look at health and disease as they are understood at a population level and then explore health inequalities We will discuss basic concepts concerning the nature and origins of health inequalities including what are and how are health inequalities measured. We will discuss public health approaches to narrowing the inequalities in health status and outcomes across various population groups, including critiquing data and policies from an equity perspective. We will spend time discussing and preparing for Assessment task 1


5/5/2018 2:29:24 AM

Pre-class activity: 1) Consider and compare a place you have travelled to (near or far) and the suburb where you live now. Write notes about the following: - what are some of the factors about each of those places that you think will help you protect or maintain your health (think broadly, eg safe roads and footpaths, good health care facilities nearby that you can easily access) 2) Consider two people (one can be you) whose health status is different (one more healthy, one less healthy). Write notes about: - what has happened over time or behind the scenes that has impacted on each of those people's health? (think broadly)


5/5/2018 2:29:14 AM

This subject is designed to provide an overview of key areas of public health which include communicable and non-communicable diseases, globalisation, environmental sustainability and social justice. The public health approach to understanding health and wellbeing issues is explored and also research approaches, key contemporary public health issues and a range of substantive health topics which can be subject to public health thinking and investigation.


5/5/2018 2:28:58 AM

It has required 1000 words. But 700 or 600 words enough for me ..Incan add few in them.if required...due to price and time onstraint. I need less than 1000 words 2) Assignment task 2 (page no. 6 from the pdf): - please note the following: - the 'social media' posts that you write are mean to be 'dummy' posts only - not real ones. I do not want you posting on your own Facebook, Twitter, Instagram (etc) accounts, or creating one if you don't have one. The idea is that you pretend you have such an account and compose a post for it. So, the only thing I expect in your Assignment is the words/ text of the post, as well as links if you have them, or images. If you want to do a video or snapchat you will need to include the image or link so that I can see it on your assignment (not on the social media itself) Make the assignment different from other people sending same question.

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