Writing down sql query

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM1323069

Assume a database has the following tables;

CUSTOMER (CustomerSK, Name, Phone, EmailAddress)

STOVE (SerialNumber, Type, Version, DateofManufacture)

REGISTRATION (CustomerSK, SerialNumber, Date)

STOVE_REPAIR (RepairInvoiceNumber, SerialNumber, Date, Description, Cost, CustomerSK)

Write down the SQL code in order to carrying out the following requests.

1) Display all the data in each of the four tables. Do not display the foreign key columns.

2) Specify the names and e-mail addresses for all customers who have had a stove repair which cost more than $50.

3) State all the versions of stoves that are of a type "Maytag" and they have not spent any money on the repairs.

Reference no: EM1323069

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