Writing assignment on reflective essay

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM131123344

Writing Assignment #4: Reflective Essay

Introduction: Now that you are nearing the completion of WRTG 101, you have reached a time when it can be useful to you to reflect and evaluate your learning experience. In a fast-paced course such as this one, you have worked hard and quickly to complete your assignments according to the instructions given to you. Now is the opportunity for you to consider the experiences you had had in writing throughout this course and how those experiences might be useful to you in future courses.

This assignment asks you to reflect and consider the work you have done, how successfully you feel you have completed it, and how the skills and strategies you have learned in completing this work may help you in your future studies. Since this assignment is reflective and self-evaluating, using "I, me, my" should be acceptable as you write this essay.

The Assignment:

This assignment calls for you to write an essay of 800-1000 words, double spaced. The essay should have the following academic essay elements:

  • a clear introduction, body, and conclusion
  • a clearly identifiable thesis statement in the introduction
  • evidence based upon your recollections and any material from the course (whether from the texts, the online resources, the course modules, the feedback to drafts, or the conference topics) that you might find relevant to mention in your discussion

Length and Format: The essay should be 800-1000 words

In addition, the paper should be formatted according to APA style (e.g., you should include a running head with page numbers, have appropriate margins, etc.) in accordance with the video tutorial you observed in class, How to format your paper according to APA style.


Approach Two: Reflecting on Your Experiences Throughout the Eight Weeks:

What You Must Do:

In this essay, you will evaluate your learning experience in WRTG 101. Your purpose is to estimate where you think your writing skills were when you began the course and, by examining the work you did in WRTG 101, determine as best you can the skills that this course helped you learn and develop.

How You Might Do This:

Since your essay uses a traditional structure for academic writing, you could try the following technique:

1. Think of your thesis as a "then and now" proposition. Your essay's introduction can offer readers a brief look at why you took WRTG 101 and lead to a thesis statement that begins with a phrase such as "I began WRTG 101 with "X" writing skills; now I..."

2. Discuss when/where/why you learned particular skills. Remembering how you completed assignments as well as any materials you find in the classroom that you think are relevant (these can come from Course Content, conferences, the texts, the online resources, the Course Modules, the feedback you received on drafts of essays, the discussions in the classroom areas, etc.), discuss when/where/how/why you learned particular skills that helped you complete assignments successfully and increase your writing skill set.

In analyzing your acquisition of skills, it will be helpful to consider the course outcomes for WRTG 101. They are as follows:

  • apply the writing process to develop essays using various rhetorical patterns in order to inform and persuade an audience
  • construct unified, coherent, and well-supported paragraphs using principles of persuasion and exposition
  • demonstrate accurate grammar and mechanics in writing
  • analyze source material in order to integrate valid and reliablesources using accepted documentation style

In writing this section of the essay, please be specific. You might refer to specific grammatical issues (outcome #3) and the process of developing a topic (outcome #1). Or you might refer to challenges you had in writing paragraphs (outcome #2) and how the development of the paragraphs caused you to evaluate your thesis (outcome #1). These are just some suggestions to help you develop your points that you want to make for your essay. Do not be afraid to discuss any areas in which you felt you did not achieve as much as you would have liked to or wish you could have had more instruction or practice. This information will be very helpful to your instructor. 3. In your conclusion, consider the skills you feel you are taking away from WRTG 101 and how these skills will help you in future courses you take. Consider also areas you think you will want to continue to try to improve.

Reference no: EM131123344

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Writing assignment on reflective essay : Introduction: Now that you are nearing the completion of WRTG 101, you have reached a time when it can be useful to you to reflect and evaluate your learning experience. In a fast-paced course such as this one, you have worked hard and quickly to ..
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