Writing a summary encourages us to understand another point

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Reference no: EM133489891


Question: Writing a summary of another argument is a first step toward joining an academic conversation and finding our voice within it. Writing a summary encourages us to understand another point of view fully and describe it precisely so others can understand. The next step is to assess the argument; that is, to decide whether it is valid. Is it a strong argument that we can wholeheartedly support? Is it partly right and partly wrong? Is it deeply flawed? In an assessment, we get to clarify our own take on whether the argument holds up under scrutiny.

Writing Task

Write a thorough summary and assessment of one of the articles below:

Option 1:

Gay, Roxane. "Making People Uncomfortable Can Now Get You Killed: Guest Essay. New York Times"

Option 2:

Nicholas Kristoff, "It Is a Delusion to Think Having a Gun in the Home Makes Us Safer." New York Times


The essay should be at least 4 pages long (12 point font, double-spacing)
The summary section or sections should describe the key ideas of the argument, including the main claim, key reasons, counterarguments, rebuttals, and limits.
The assessment section or sections should discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the argument. What was compelling, persuasive, troubling, unclear, or problematic?
Choose phrases like "Gay argues..." throughout to show the writer's purpose at each point.
Write most of the essay in your own words, but consider using the occasional direct quote where the original word choice is critical.
The introductory paragraph should include the title of the argument, the author's full name, the argument's main claim, and your overall assessment of the argument's validity.
Make sure each paragraph presents and then supports a single main point with specifics.
Edit the paper for errors in grammar, mechanics, punctuation, word use, spelling, and proofreading (see Chapter 11: Shaping Your SentencesLinks to an external site.).
Cite paraphrased or quoted material from the book or article you are writing about, or from any other works, according to MLA guidelines.Links to an external site.This assignment does not require a Works Cited page.

Suggestions for the Writing Process

Read or reread Chapter 2: Reading to Figure out the Argument, Chapter 3: Writing a Summary of Another Writer's Argument, and Chapter 4: Assessing the Strength of an Argument. These are meant to guide you through the steps of this assignment. They include examples of summary and assessment writing and suggested sample phrases.
Read the sample summary and assessment paper to get an idea of what you are aiming at.
Reread the argument you have chosen and make notes as you go on its claims, reasons, counterarguments, rebuttals, and limits.
Make an argument map. Note: Making an argument map can be helpful, but it can be tricky, especially if you are summarizing a complex longer argument. If you are getting stuck working on the map, the brainstorming questions will also help you think about the structure of the argument.

Reference no: EM133489891

Questions Cloud

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Writing a summary encourages us to understand another point : describe the key ideas of the argument, including the main claim, key reasons, counterarguments, rebuttals, and limits.
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Ensure that the participant fully understands the study : ensure that the participant fully understands the study, the informed consent should be written and explained in simple terms that are easy to understand


Write a Review

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