Writing a simple matlab script to analyse image intensities

Assignment Help MATLAB Programming
Reference no: EM133238826

PART - Intensity analysis of a MR image

You will focus on writing a simple MATLAB script to analyse image intensities. We provide the image file in the course area on Blackboard Learn.
- Write a MATLAB script to carry out the following:

1. Read the image and display it.

2. Calculate the intensity profile along a line that you can draw in the figure.

3. Plot the intensity profile generated previously

4. Display the histogram of the image

5. Select a region in the image and crop it

6. Display the cropped image

7. Display the intensity distribution across the cropped region

8. Pseudocolour the image and scale the image data to the full range of the current colourmap & show the results

- Label the submitted files appropriately

Reference no: EM133238826

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