Writing a critical evaluation of your learning outcome

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Reference no: EM132325280

Question: Reflection/Learning Outcomes Assessment

Write a critical evaluation of your learning outcome. In your response, consider:

1. Consider the content of this class as they relate to information management/IT and managerial decision making.

2. Base on the course content, discuss new skills you acquired from this class? How relevant are the new skills to your current and/or future profession?

3. How would you apply your new knowledge?

Reference no: EM132325280

Questions Cloud

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Did you compare the relevant costs and benefits : People may make bad decisions because they fail to compare the relevant costs and benefits. Do you agree? Provide an example of when you made a bad decision.
How attack can be foiled by checking source port numbers : Explain how the attack (described in Topic 1) can be foiled by checking the source port numbers. Please describe the enforced rule(s)
Writing a critical evaluation of your learning outcome : Write a critical evaluation of your learning outcome. In your response, consider: Consider the content of this class as they relate to information management.
Pet sales and pet supplies outlet and to hire quimby-ruth : Carla plans to open Carla's Pets Store, a pet sales and pet supplies outlet, and to hire Quimby and Ruth. Carla will invest only her own money.
Sole motivation of a company : In the following statement "...the sole purpose of a business is to make a profit"
Explain what employment contracts is in australia : Employment Contracts in Australia and With Headings and sub-Headings and Graphs Related to the topic - No Use of Table of content and no Use of executive
Explain what the attacker did during the breach : In this day and age, data breaches have increased in quantity and intensity. Therefore, it is essential that the security professional assess situations.


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