Reference no: EM13252328 , Length: 3300 Words
When writing your scholarly paper, please note the following guidelines:
Select one of the given three topic areas below to write your scholarly paper no less than 1000 words (excluding the title page, bibliography and appendices). Please e-mail your professor an outline of this paper, prior to starting it. In addition to your primary text, you are required to use a minimum of 5 additional references from professional journals and books to produce your scholarly paper.
1.finish one question no less than 1000 words
2.required to use a minimum of 5 additional references
3.Cover 4.APA Format file:BUS407_2010A_Final_Exam 1. Finish all Questions 2.Cover 3.References with each question
4. 2000 words with 8 questions without References 5.APA format
Organization Behaviors – Final Exam BUS407 (2011A)
Instruction : Please answer ALL questions listed below. All questions carry
equal marks.
This assessment is open-book and you may use your textbooks and other literatures for reference. There is no time constraint.
1. Identify the key individual outcomes in the studies of organizational behavior and describe the factors that affect these key outcomes.
2. Discuss briefly on the four types of job performance management techniques.
3. Describe the primary responses to negative events at work. Provide an example of each.
4. What are the advantages of using JDI?
5. What is a stress audit? Explain how to reduce stressors and strains.
6. Identify and explain the possible outcomes of equity theory comparisons and ways to restore the balance for each outcome.
7. What are the four rules under procedural justice that serve to create equal employment opportunity? Explain.
8. Define social learning theory and explain the four steps of the modeling process.
How many bits from station c have already been sent
: The distance between two stations in a 10 Mbps LAN using CSM/CD multiple access method is 2,000 meters. Station A sends a long frame first and three micro seconds later, C starts sending a long frame.
What is the voltage regulation under the conditions
: A 13,800/480 V three-phase Wye-Delta-connected transformer bank consists of three identical 100-kVA 7967/480-V transformers. It is supplied with power directly from a large constant-voltage bus.
What did the court decide
: What factors should a court consider in reviewing the size of any punitive damage award? Why does the court conclude that the award was not excessive in this case? 5. What would you advise FedEx to do in light of this decision?
The contemporary management technique
: Why and how do you feel that the contemporary management technique selected would be a positive force in helping the company achieve its critical success factors?
Write your scholarly paper
: Select one of the given three topic areas below to write your scholarly paper no less than 1000 words (excluding the title page, bibliography and appendices). Please e-mail your professor an outline of this paper, prior to starting it. In addition to..
Drum can operate and still have vapor and liquid present
: A mixture is 20 mol% propane, 35 mol% n-butane, and 45 mol% n-hexane. a flash drum operates at 500 kpa. what is the highest temperature at which the flash drum can operate and still have vapor and liquid present?
Distance in light years from earth to each of betelgeuse
: Locate Orion and determine the distance in light years from Earth to each of Betelgeuse and Rigel and then determine the angular distance between them (as seen from Earth).
Define what is the molar volume under the conditions
: A particular application calls for N2 (g) with a density of 1.80 g/L at 32°C. What must be the pressure of N2 (g) in millimeters in mercury? What is the molar volume under these conditions
Stephens and perez share income equally
: S. Stephens and J. Perez are partners in Space Designs. Stephens and Perez share income equally.