Reference no: EM133246549
Research in Technology Assignment -
At this point you should have a topic that you would like to investigate and learn more about.
This assignment is designed for you to utilize the services provided by the EIU library and to enable you to demonstrate your skill at identifying the essential elements ofscholarly articles.
A. Problem Statement
Write your problem statement which will drive your research. This should be your almost finalized problem statement.
B. Keywords
Discuss and create a list of keywords that you will use to find articles related to your topic.
Using the list you created above, search different databases for articles related to your topic.
You will notice that other researchers used different keywords in their articles. What are some of the other keywords that authors used?
C. Literature Review
Using the keywords which you identified earlier, you found a large sit of articles. From that list you need to identify a list of AT LEAST 10 articles that you might use in your research project.
For each article, fill the table below (total 10 tables for 10 articles.).
1) Title of article:
APA citation:
Why would this article be a good/bad fit for your research topic:
You can start writing like this:I think this is a good (or bad) fit. Because, ...
Continue until total 10 tables are filled out...
D. Synthesis
Using some of the articles that you found, provide one synthesized paragraph. (Please refer to your textbook (Practical Research Planning and Design) page 67 for more information and examples related to synthesis. Also, read textbook pages from 67 to 73 regarding how to write an effective literature review by reading an example Dissertation analysis.)
Provide the resources you used (write the articles' title below the paragraph title)
Resources: Cite your articles here...
Here, write a synthesis of 2-3 articles in your research areas. Pick the good and very related articles to write your synthesis.