Write your own functions to rewire the network

Assignment Help Python Programming
Reference no: EM131851307

Assignment: Algorithms for Complex Networks

1. Select a network dataset either from the course's Blackboard page or from The Index of Complex Networks. The network should be unweighted and undirected.

2. Write your own functions to rewire the network according to the G(N;M) and Configuration Model random networks.

3. Using your codes from the previous assignment, calculate the variance of the degree distribution and the average clustering coecient of the original network and of the networks produced by the G(N;M) and Configuration Model.

4. In your own words, report and discuss the di erence between the quantities you calculated (i.e., compare the original network to the corresponding random networks).

5. Optional (for bonus points): Also calculate, by writing your own function, the assortativity coecient of your network dataset and of the corresponding random networks.

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Reference no: EM131851307

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