Write up your own version of six forms

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133245103


Use the internet to locate a list of the prescribed forms to be filed (where required) by parties appearing in the High Court of Australia.

write up your own version of six forms that are appropriately designed and structured.

Where required insert this information:

The Registry in your capital city.

The appellant/ plaintiff is Samuel James Smith of 34 Jonas Street in your capital city.
The respondent/ defendant is Marty Motors Pty Ltd ACN 555 432 019 of Lot 451, Peak Street in your capital city.
The proceeding number is M394 of 20XX.
The date the document is prepared and filed is 1 November 20XX.
The name of the legal practitioner (solicitor) filing the document is Kristy Hamas. She works at Gulber Komey Legal.
If you do not have access to the information required to be included in a form, insert a description of the information to be included enclosed in square brackets at the appropriate location on the form.

Reference no: EM133245103

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