Write up your hypotheses-the null and alternative hypotheses

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Reference no: EM133477739

Overview: You will generate and test three hypotheses by using SPSS. You will write up your hypotheses-the null and alternative hypotheses, and results in APA format, and turn in your syntax and output.

do NOT use the demo dataset or variables from the overview handout demonstrated in class.

One-sample t-test-that the sample mean differs from either the population mean or a known value. Choose one continuous variable in which you either know the population mean or you expect it to be a particular level. (Hint: google or make up the population mean)
Independent samples t-test-that two groups' means differ. Choose one group variable (nominal) with only two levels and one dependent variable (continuous). Test whether there are any group differences on the dependent variable.
Paired samples t-test-that two means differ on one variable. Choose a within-subjects variable and test whether there are any differences across conditions on the dependent variable. Remember, Ps are exposed to BOTH levels, i.e., Ps have a score in EACH variable.
Write-up and submit in APA format, in the following order:

Cover Page
The hypotheses (null and research/alternative) underlying each of the three t-tests; each t-test set of hypotheses should be in its own paragraph.
Results Section:
For each hypothesis (in its own paragraph):
To test the hypothesis [insert hypothesis], I performed a [one-sample or independent samples or paired samples t-test].
Results were [significant/not significant], [report t-statistics, including effect size].
Include M, SD of each group/condition.
Describe the meaning of the results in layperson's terms by indicating:
if significant: which group was higher or lower on the continuous variable, or
if not significant: that there were no differences on the continuous variable between the two groups.
Discuss whether the results support or don't support your hypothesis and whether you reject or fail to reject the null hypothesis.

Reference no: EM133477739

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