Reference no: EM131366140 , Length: 2
The term genetically modified organisms or GMO is given to those plants, animals or microorganisms that their genetic makeup has been modified with foreign genes using genetically engineering techniques.
For food materials like seeds, these GMO techniques could be used to produce foods with more nutrients, higher yields with more adaptability during growth, and more resistance to pests. The two main GMO crops used for food consumption are GMO soy and GMO corn. The widespread use of these two food crops have resulted in wide presence of GMO material in a large number of processed foods."></a>
However, many people are concerned that GMO foods may bring some negative effects on human health as well as the environment. Their concerns include unintended long-term effects on the health, effects on biodiversity, and contamination of non-GMO crops, and increased use of pesticides.
Due to these reasons, many developed countries including European Union nations, Japan and Australia have strict regulations on the labeling of GMO foods. Thus, consumers there have the opportunity to determine whether they would buy GMO foods or not. In contrast, U.S. did not have this regulation. Our laws were based on the principle of substantial equivalence, which means that GMO crops with similar compositions as parent crops are not mandated to label if they contain no more than 10% difference in the content of nutrients and natural toxicants. This link is to the FDA site that explains how FDA currrently regulates genetically engineered plants.
And guidance on voluntary labeling:
Thus, consumers did not know that many commercial foods have GMO ingredients. But residents in Vermont, Californiaand Washington pushed for legislation that required mandatory labeling. The federal government and the industry have been reluctant to specifically labeled foods for the presence of GMO ingredients. They are concerned that by stating the presence of GMO on the label, consumers would interpret the informed consent statement as a warning that there is something wrong with GMO.
It all changed this July, when Congress passed a bill that will require mandatory labeling of GMO ingredients in food. But how consumers will be informed is now being debated. Companies could choose to use a QR code instead of just labeling the product. This has become very controversial.
Taking the information above, as well as any additional background materials you can find, you are going to write two letters to the FDA. One in which you support the QR code being sufficient to provide information to the consumer (pretend you are a major food manufacturer).
The other, where you voice your opposition to the QR code and advocate for clear identification of each ingredient that is from a GMO (a consumer, or an organic or natural foods organisation).
Format : The letters in a formal letter manner. They should be at least 1.5 pages (not counting references), but no more than 3, single spaced, 12 pt. font.
For a reference of what comments to FDA look like, check out some of the gluten-free labeling comments that have been submitted: (hover on the sidebar, and you will find there are over 500 comments)
Direct link to two good ones:
For each letter:
1. An introduction to introduce yourself or organisation, and your interest in this law.
2. Explain the law, summarize issues - it's history, consumer and industry perspectives, and whyit is important from your prospective.
3. Clearly state your opinion (the side for whichever letter this is), and the reasons why you support or reject QR Code being used for consumers to get information about the background of the ingredients in the food. Support this opinion with facts. Include at least 2 peer-reviewed articles (there are plenty on GMO and environmental issues - both showing good and bad effects).
4. Provide a concluding paragraph.