Reference no: EM133830161
Problem: Interaction Diagrams
A. Using your PD UC, its SSD, and the Domain Model from the previous problem, write three system operation contracts (SOC). Use the system operation contract template introduced in Lesson 3 and include all those sections in your submission)
a. Ensure that the pre- and post-conditions refer to the classes, attributes and associations in the domain model. If you discover that additional classes, attributes, and associations are needed, please update your domain model accordingly.
B. Using your PD UC, its SSD, the Domain Model, and the SOC, create three interaction diagams (one for each operation contract) that shows the objects inside the system that need to collaborate with each other and their interactions to fulfill the requirements of this SOC, e.g., Output, Pre-conditions, and Post-conditions. Get the instant assignment help.
a. Ensure that the objects in the sequence diagram are of the classes in the domain model, that the messages travel between associated classes, and that responsibilities are distributed according to the GRASP patterns. When appropriate, Pure Fabrications should be used to ensure high cohesion and indirection should be used to ensure low coupling.