Write thesis to show connections between authors

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Reference no: EM1398259

First reading is a man who in civil rights movement wanted to die a be martyr. But after escaping death he sees that he was foolish and wished to take fruits of life. Second reading is about boy; when he was young he wished to become airplane pilot. After he grew up he becomes air force pilot and is very rich. Though he sees examples of poor people very happy with what they have so he bought his own plane and travels alot. Thesis of connections between authors is: "Furthermore these characters in their road to self discovery showed self discovery as means to obtain insight to one's own character. For such self discovery, positive attitude and adversity is essential to gain profound understanding of oneself and one's goals in life."

Make thesis so that it has best possible connections between authors and makes sense.

Reference no: EM1398259

Questions Cloud

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Write thesis to show connections between authors : First reading is a man who in civil rights movement wanted to die a be martyr. But after escaping death he sees that he was foolish and wished to take fruits of life. Second reading is about boy;Make thesis so that it has best possible connections ..
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