Reference no: EM134978
Consider the power system below.
1. Write the Ybus matrix.
2. Identify the bus types and the unknown variables of the power flow problem (let bus 1 be the slack bus).
3. Write the complete set of equations needed to solve the load flow problem.
4. Set up the power flow solution using the fast decoupled method.
a. Use a flat start for an initial guess.
b. Compute the numerical value of the jacobian matrix (in the reduced block diagonal form) and its inverse.
5. Perform 4 iterations of the solution (use the same inverse jacobian as in 4). At the end of the 4th iteration compute:
a. the power mismatches;
b. the pu value of the real and reactive power generated by the slack bus;
c. the pu value of the reactive power generated by bus 2;
d. the pu value of the real power arriving at bus 3 from each of the lines connected to this bus.
6. Describe the same network in Power World and obtain the solution. Compare the results with step 5.
7. In Power World, vary the value of the capacitor bank in bus 3 from 1 pu to 0.5 pu in steps of 0.1. Plot the bus pu voltage.
8. In Power World, vary the generated power in bus 2 from 3.5 to 2.5 in steps of 0.2. Plot the power flows through lines 1-2 and 1-3, as well as the power generated by bus 1.

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