Reference no: EM131757071 , Length: 2
The psychology theory to be applied is Bandura: Social Cognitive Theory.
Instructions: For each application paper, the assignment is as follows.
(1) Think of someone you know well (either personally, a well-known public figure, or yourself)
(2) Identify either something the person did, or some personality characteristic that the individual tends to display
(3) Pick one of the personality theories that we discuss in this course. Choose a different theory for each application paper.
(4) Write the Theory Application. In the application, you should:
(a) briefly describe the person and describe the behavior or personality characteristic you are writing about;
(b) explain how one of the theories in the class would explain that behavior or personality characteristic;
(c) briefly evaluate the explanation; you can express your opinion about the degree to which the theory-based explanation provided insight into the individual you're discussing.
be sure to give detailed explanation of theory/ theorist.
Length is 2 pages.