Write the student info and processed data

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM13215394

Implement the following algorithm in C# using WFA GUI.
Write the student info and processed data (student name, exams, avg and grade and ...) to student database
Update the student record as needed (changing grade, phone number, home address ...)
List all students who have failed.
List all students who have passed.
List all students with a given grade (A, B, C, D or F)
Add exit with confirmation option.
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declare variables
print "Enter student first name"
input studFirstName
print "Enter student last name"
input studLastName
print "Enter student address"
input studAddress
print "Enter Phone"
input studPhone
print "Enter score for exam 1"
input studExam1
print "Enter score for exam 2"
input studExam2
print "Enter score for exam 3"
input studExam3
compute studScore = studExam1 + studExam2 + studExam3
compute studAvg = studScore / 3
print "Student's Final Grade"
if studAvg >= 90 then
Grade = 'A'
else if studAvg >=80 then
Grade = 'B'
else if studAvg >=70 then
Grade = 'C'
else if studAvg >=60 then
Grade = 'D'
Grade = 'F'
Print Grade


Reference no: EM13215394

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