Write the sql ddl to create the database

Assignment Help PL-SQL Programming
Reference no: EM13316080

Part A

Use the Prime Minister database (Prime_Minister_2013.sql) available from the Interact site. Answer the following queries using thatd tabase.

You are required to submit:

1. The appropriate SQL statements, which should be copied from your SQL code in MySQL, and pasted into your submission file; and

2. Screenshots of the resultant tables which are to be pasted into your assignment file immediately after the SQL code. Typing or manually drawing the results is NOT acceptable.

Write SQL SELECT statements to retrieve the following information from the Prime Minister database.

 1. List the name, year commenced service as Prime Minister, party, state represented and the name of the Deputy Prime Minister for each Prime Minister that served for less than 3 years. Order by the year they commenced service as Prime Minister in descending order.

2. List the name, party, recreation(s), name of their spouse and number of children of each Prime Minister of a Labor government who had four or more children and enjoyed outdoor sports.

3. List the name, the year that they commenced service as Prime Minister, the party they led and the year in which they left office of each Prime Minister of a Labor government. Order by the year they commenced service and the Prime Minister's name.

4. Did any Deputy Prime Minister(s) subsequently become Prime Minister? List the Deputy Prime Ministers name, the year that he/she commenced as Deputy Prime Minister, the year he/she commenced as Prime Minister and the party that they led. Order the list by name, year commencing as Prime Minister and Party in descending order.

Part B


The following questions are based on the Book Seller ERD as shown below. 


1. Write the SQL DDL to create the database that contains each of the relations shown in the above ERD. You will need to provide:

a. Your DDL code for each table that you create;

b. A screenshot showing each table that is created.


- Use appropriate data types for each of the attributes;
- Use correct integrity constraints for each of the tables you create;
- You are to use the primary keys identified in the ERD;
- You are to identify and implement appropriate primary keys in the associative tables;
- You may need to create additional attributes in associative tables;
- Your SQL DDL code needs to be in the correct format for your RDBMS.

2. Before any row can be entered into the BOOKS table, the Author_ID must already exist in the AUTHOR table, why?

3. Write and execute SQL definition commands for each of the following queries:

a. Add the attributes Email, Comments and Send Newsletter to the CUSTOMERS table. Give those attributes an appropriate size and data type.

b. Change the attribute BOOK_CATEGORY_DESCRIPTION from 15 characters to 50 characters.

4. Write and execute SQL commands for the following:

a. Add the following customers  to the Customer table.

12345, Jones, George, 123 Bentinck St, Bathurst, NSW, 2795, 0213455678
23456, Jones, Pauline, 48 Summer St, Orange, NSW, 2800, 0223456789
34567, Wilson, Paul, 23 Long St Blayney, NSW, 2799, 0298765432

b. Write a command that will remove the Jones that lives in Orange from the Customer table.

You are required to submit:

1. The appropriate SQL commands, which should be copied from your source code in MySQL, and pasted into your submission file; and

2. The resultant tables, which must be screenshots to show the change due to the execution of commands.

Typing or manually drawing the results are NOT acceptable.


This assignment has been designed to test students in the use of the 4th Generation language SQL.

Reference no: EM13316080

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