Write the solution applying structured programming

Assignment Help Software Engineering
Reference no: EM13326980

1) Write the solution applying structured programming (see one example in the study guide and one in the first lecture). The course content/ study book module 1 also contains ‘1.5 Structure example solution'. This will allow you to appreciate the implementation of structured programming, and allow you to focus on getting your source code working.

2) Rewrite the solution applying object oriented programming. Write it in the way demonstrated to you in lecture slides and the weekly exercises. The course content/ study book module 1 also contains ‘1.6 Object-oriented example solution'. You need an application class, a driver class, and then as many other classes as you need. This is the way you will need to write all your source code in this course.

You need to work on your assignment every week as you are working through the course material. This is not something that you can write up the day before the due date.

Always submit your assignment by the due date, no matter how much you have completed or whether you have bugs.

• You will get partial marks on the work that you have done, rather than missing out completely.
• You will get feedback on your assignment so that you can do better in the next one.
• And at the end of the semester it will all add up to get you a better result than without submitting an assessment. Showing that you actually participated in all of the assessment items is important.

All students will receive feedback on their assignments. This will allow you to learn from the assignment to do better in the next one. You will be provided with information on how you can improve your source code to satisfy the marking criteria.

All of you have different programming experiences, some of you are already employed as software developers, while others have only done the programming courses preceding this course, some of you have done structured, others object oriented, or both. This assignment will bring you all to the same level so that you can show you can implement what is required by this course. We have had very good programmers in the past that did not realise what this course required them to do, and they did not meet the marking criteria, while others who were new to it were more successful as they focused on what was requested.

Reference no: EM13326980

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