Write the select statement to show all records

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13886213

Using MySQL commands answer the questions listed below using the Tiny Video schema. Submit via the D2L drop box the final SQL scripts for each problem. You must answer all parts of the question before receiving any partial credit. For example, do not expect any points if all you answer is part b of question 3. Each part builds upon the correct answer of the previous part.

1. Create a view called customer_with_balances that has the following columns: customer_number, customer_lname and customer_balance. The view should only include those customers where the customer balance is greater than zero.

1. a) Create a stored function called get_customer_balance which will return a customer's balance from the membership table by passing in a membership number.

1.  a) Create a trigger called membership_balance_updates that will capture any updates made to the mem_balance column in membership. The trigger should only capture those transactions in which the member's balance actually changes. The mem_num, old mem_balance, new mem_balance, user, transaction date should be placed into a membership_balance_audit table.
Use the following script to create the membership_balance_audit table.

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS membership_balance_audit

(mem_num INTEGER,

old_mem_balance DECIMAL(10,2),

new_mem_balance DECIMAL(10,2),

transaction_date TIMESTAMP,

transaction_user VARCHAR(50));

a) Write the SELECT statement to show all records in the membership_balance_audit table. (Note: The transaction date will be different for your result set.)

SELECT * FROM membership_balance_audit;

Reference no: EM13886213

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