Write the research paper on american airlines

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Reference no: EM131156334

Write the research paper on American Airlines. (10 APA Sources)

1. Provide a brief discussion of the firm to include its principle goods and services, market share, geographic locations where it operates, and major competitors.-(2-pages)

2. Evaluate and discuss whether the firm could benefit by using Activity Based Costing (ABC). The discussion should include what factor(s) influenced your decision, the ramifications of implementing ABC in the international business environment, and howyou would structure the distribution of costs using ABC for your firm.-(2-pages)

3. Evaluate and discuss whether the firm could benefit by using standard costs. The discussion should include what factor(s) influenced your decision, the ramifications of costs, quantity, and variances, and the ramifications of using standard costs in the international business environment-2 pages

4. Evaluate and discuss how the firm could benefit by analyzing future projects in terms relevant costs. This discussion should include the firm's future plans, such as, expansion, consolidation, and downsizing and how relevant costs could be used in the decision making.-2 pages

5. Summary and conclusion(s). The discussion should provide a brief summary of the previous sections, and the conclusions you have reached.- 1 page

Reference no: EM131156334

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