Write the required embedded assembler code

Assignment Help Assembly Language
Reference no: EM131666300


Write the required embedded (_asm) assembler code for each section in the corresponding inline assembler blocks denoted by the _asm keyword.

See the example displayed output at the end of this assignment for guidance.

Shift to load Bytes

Write assembler code to put the values of the C++ constants byte0, byte1, byte2, and byte3 into the C++ memory variable uint32_t resultUInt32.

The bytes have to be in the following order in resultUInt32 that is displayed in hex by the C++ part of the program:



Step through the C++ memory constant uint32_t source32Bit (0x44332211) in a byte wise manner from the lowest to the highest byte address and put the byte results into the following C++ variables:

uint8_t lowestAddressByte0Up, lowestAddressByte1Up, lowestAddressByte2Up, lowestAddressByte3Up;

Powers of 2 Multiply and Divide

The C++ code will prompt the user to enter a multiplier 1, then prompt for an exponent for a base 2 multiplier.

Write the required assembler code in the _asm code block to put the results to the C++ variable product that gets displayed by the C++ code.

The C++ code will prompt the user to enter a dividend, then then prompt for an exponent for a base 2 divisor.

Write the required assembler code in the _asm code block to put the results to the C++ variable quotient that gets displayed by the C++ code.

Use logical shifts to execute the operations for the base 2 multiply and base 2 divide.

Attachment:- Assignment-Bytes-Shifter-C-Inline.zip

Reference no: EM131666300

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