Write the program vb text as a model

Assignment Help Visual Basic Programming
Reference no: EM13781408

Nutritional Associates of New Jersey is in need of a brief billing report for patients. Write a program to generate a patient bill from the patient billing items found in Table 2. Use the form in Figure 4.62 (NOTE: FIGURE 4.62 IS A DIFFERENT PROBLEM) of the VB text as a model and write the program so that each group is invisible and becomes visible only when its corresponding check box is checked. After the button is clicked, the amount of the bill should be calculated. NOTE: FIGURE 4.62 IS A DIFFERENT PROBLEM.

Hint: The Checked property of the first radio button in each group should be set to True in its Properties window. This guarantees that a selection is made in each visible group box. Of course when the bill is calculated, only the visible group of boxes should be considered; see figure 4.63 in VB text. NOTE: FIGURE 4.63 IS ALSO A DIFFERENT PROBLEM.

Reference no: EM13781408

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