Write the program using a for-loop and a break statement

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13810427

Write a program that asks the user to enter a number that's positive and a multiple of 4. The user has three attempts to find such a number.

Part a) Write the program using a for-loop and a ‘break' statement in the loop.

Part b) Write the program using a while-loop and using an invert operator ‘!' on the whole condition. The while-loop should look like:

while( ! ( Condition1 And/Or Condition2 ) )

Part c) Write the program using a while-loop without having a global invert operator ‘!'. You may still use the invert operator for every individual condition. The while-loop should look like:

while( Condition1 And/Or Condition2) )

Reference no: EM13810427

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