Write the portion of the app that deals with hamburger sales

Assignment Help Python Programming
Reference no: EM131561826

Lab Assignment

General Instructions

Read the problem description below. Once you fully understand the problem, open up Notepad or Notepad++ and create a Problem Statement. Then list your inputs and outputs and put together a draft variables list. Also include a 30,000 foot view and your pseudocode. Please remember that pseudocode should be done BEFORE you code. It doesn't have to be perfect and will change. Pseudocode looking like working Python code will receive 0 points.

Once you have your pseudocode done, open up Raptor and translate your pseudocode. Use the following data to test your program:

Test Case #1
Burger Type: Single
Burger Extras: Cheese, Bacon, Grilled Onions & Grilled Mushrooms
Burger Base Cost: $5.95
Burger Extra Cost: $2.75
Burger Total: $8.70

Test Case #2
Burger Type: Double
Burger Extras: Cheese & Bacon
Burger Base Cost: $7.95
Burger Extra Cost: $1.75
Burger Total: $9.70

Test Case #3
Burger Type: Single
Burger Extras: Grilled Onions & Grilled Mushrooms
Burger Base Cost: $5.95
Burger Extra Cost: $1.00
Burger Total: $6.95

Test Case #4
Burger Type: Double
Burger Extras: Cheese, Bacon, Grilled Onions & Grilled Mushrooms
Burger Base Cost: $7.95
Burger Extra Cost: $2.75
Burger Total: $10.70

When your Raptor file is done and working, convert this file to Python code. You will do this in two sections. The first section will ask you to create the class and the second section will ask you to create an object based on the class.

Problem Description

A good friend of yours wants to start a diner join near campus. He wants to keep the menu simple and plans to offer burgers, fries, wraps and salads. Additionally he wants to offer quick service. Therefore, he is looking for a mobile application whereby students can put there order in ahead of time and pick it up. He has assembled a team of fellow students to help write the app. Your job is to write the portion of the app that deals with hamburger sales. Your portion of the app needs to do the following:

@Ask the user for the type of burger they want either single or double patty. A single patty burger costs $5.95 and a double costs $7.95.

@Ask the user for the extras for their burger. A typical burger comes with tomato, onion and pickles. Cheese, bacon, grilled onions and grilled mushrooms are extra. These extra costs are as follows: Cheese = $0.75, Bacon = $1.00, Grilled Onions = $0.50, Grilled Mushrooms = $0.50 or none = $0.0.

@Display to the user the cost of the patty, extras cost and total cost.

Creating the Class

Use the template to get started. Your class should have attributes, a constructor, methods and access methods to allow values to leave the class. Assume all attributes are private and cannot be accessed from the program. Your class will need the patty type sent into it. The methods will determine the patty cost, extras cost and the total cost. The access methods will return these three values back to main()

Below is an example of the extras menu

Enter your extras:

C = Cheese
B = Bacon
O = Grilled Onions
M = Grilled Mushrooms
N = None

class BurgerCost#Finish this

#Calculation Methods
def determineBaseCost #finish this

def determineExtraCost #finish this

def determineTotalCost #finish this

#Access Methods

def returnBaseCost #finish this

def returnExtraCost #finish this

def returnTotalCost #finish

Reference no: EM131561826

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