Write the paraphase

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Reference no: EM131271814

Write the paraphase:

As nurses, it is imperative that we have skills to deal with conflict we encounter throughout the day. Some conflicts are easily handled; other disagreements can persist for weeks or even months and never addressed in a proper way to resolve the situation.

I remembered when I was the volunteer to work in the emergency department at the local hospital; I witnessed occurred one day when a nurse was taking care of a patient when I first started working there. Often nursing assistance is being pulled in different floors as many patients need help with daily living and tasks that can be completed by non-licensed healthcare providers. Nursing assistance jobs are invaluable to the department and the nurses.

Each CNA assigned to a section with one nurse and ten patient rooms. Every nurse could call any of the available CNAs for help. This has created a situation where nurses and CNAs got frustrated. Nurses got upset because at times all CNA were helping in other wing and there was nobody to help in their wing. CNAs were frustrated because they felt that they were being pulled in every direction. This system was creating a situation that was not working out for effective patient care and produced a tense working environment.

Reference no: EM131271814

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