Reference no: EM132104970
PROBLEM: Multiplication Tables Practice. (C++ program)
Write the Multiplication Tables Practice Program. You will write a program that will allow a user to choose which Multiplication Tables (1- 12) they would like to practice and then display the following menu:
1. Review My Table
2. Test Me
3. Enter a new multiplication table (1-12)
4. Quit
Enter a Menu Item >
You will be using a 10 row by 3 column, 2D array to store your multiplication tables. You will be displaying the multiplication table of a number chosen by the user multiplied by the numbers 1 to 10.
If option 1 is chosen you will display the times table of the user's choice by loading a 2D array with the users chosen times table. If option 2 is chosen you will Test the user by creating a times table in a 2D array which will allow you to store values being multiplied and blank answers, i.e.
Use only whole numbers for this game.
If the user chooses to take the "test", then allow the user to take the test then grade the test when he/she has completed the test. If the user passes the test, 70% or better, print out their score, print out a message saying that they passed the test. If the user gets 100%, print out a message saying that they got a perfect score. If the user did not pass the test, 70% or less, print out their score, tell the user that they did not pass the exam.
The questions for the "Test" MUST be randomly generated until all the questions for the multiplication table are answered and then the function testMe will return the Boolean value True to indicate that the test has been completed.
If menu item 3 is chosen, then the user should be asked to enter a number from 1 to 12 which will represent which multiplication table they wish to practice. You must also re-create both the test table and the practice table by calling your createTables function.
Your program MUST use input validation.
Input Validation: The program must check to see if the user enters a valid number for both the menu items and when taking the exam. A number greater than zero must be entered when taking the exam. If the user does not enter a valid value, display an error message and continue to ask the user to enter the value again until a valid value is entered.
What is 7 x 2 = 14
What is 4 x 2 = 8
I'm sorry you did not pass the exam...Your score was 60.00%
What is 1 x 2 = 2
You did a good job! You have a passing score of 90.00%