Write the job summary of your chosen occupation

Assignment Help Macroeconomics
Reference no: EM133620280

Homework: Economic Research

Go to BLS gov website

1) What is title of the first headline on the BLS.gov website? In 3-4 sentences, describe the economic significance of the headline.

2) What is the number of new jobs created for the most recent month?

3) What is the trend for new jobs created? Is this stable, an upward or downward trend? Is this a good for the economy? Why?

4) What is the unemployment rate?

5) What is the trend for the unemployment rate?Is this stable, an upward or downward trend? Is this a good for the economy? Why?

6) What month in the past decade had the highest unemployment rate? Why?

7) In 4-5 sentences, describe the impact COVID has had on the economy and on you personally.

8) You can select careers by pay, careers, on the job training, number of new jobs projected and growth rate. You may also use Career One Stop.
Select an occupation__________________

9) Write the job summary of your chosen occupation.

10) What is the entry level education needed?

11) What is the median pay for this position?

12) Is the occupation you selected expected to grow?

13) Why did you select this occupation?

14) Look under Geographic area and select a state you'd like to reside in. Which state did you select and why?

15) Look at the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the area you selected. What trend do you see?Is this stable, an upward or downward trend?

16) Find a 1-bedroom apartment in the state you selected. Pick an apartment you'd like to live in. It must be different from where you are now living. What is the new address?

17) What are the amenities and benefits of the apartment you selected?

18) What is the monthly rent?

19) Why did you select this apartment?

20) Using gasbuddy website what is the price range of a gallon of regular gas at your new place?

21) What is the price of a gallon of regular gas where now live?

22) Why is there a difference in the price of gas between the two places?

23) Do you think gas prices will increase or decrease? Why?

24) Now look to see how much that apartment would cost on the year you were born using the inflation calculator. What is the cost then?

25) What is the price difference between years?

26) List 5 things you normally would buy and state their pricesWhat is the total cost of your shopping bag?

27) Use the inflation calculator to determine how much your shopping bag would cost on the year you were born.What is the cost then?

28) What is the price difference in the price of your groceries?

29) Go to USDebtclock org website What is the National Debt (approximately)?

30) What 3 things does the US Government spend most of its money on?

31) What is the US Population?

32) What is the debt per citizen?

33) What is the debt per taxpayer?

34) What is the median income now?

35) What is the median price for a house in 2000?

36) What is the median price for a house now?

37) What other numbers listed here interest you (list 3)?

38) Write a 4 sentence Summary Statement of what you learned from this homework.

Reference no: EM133620280

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