Reference no: EM132197992
only write the .cpp file of separate compilation using c++, not the whole counter class only .cpp. Thank you
Write the implementation (.cpp file) of the Counter class . The full specification of the class is:
A data member counter of type int .
An data member named counterID of type int .
A static int data member named nCounters which is initialized to 0.
A constructor that takes an int argument and assigns its value to counter. It also adds one to the static variable nCounters and assigns the (new) value of nCounters to counterID.
A function called increment that accepts no parameters and returns no value . increment adds one to the instance variable counter.
A function called decrement that accepts no parameters and returns no value . decrement subtracts one from the counter.
A function called getValue that accepts no parameters . It returns the value of the instance variable counter.
A function named getCounterID that accepts no parameters and returns an int . getCounterID returns the value of the data member counterID.