Reference no: EM131323816 , Length: 15
Write the given paper assignment.
Given is project proposal and the outline of the project.
Outline of the Project:-
The project should follow the APA style of citing references in the text and on the bibliography page. No fewer than five references must be used for research and properly cited in the paper and in the bibliography.
Ensure correct spelling and grammar (use built-in tool with MS Word).
Credible reference sources are available through the DeVry Library and other sources. Please do not use Wikipedia.
The project must be 10-15 pages in length (excluding the cover page, table of contents, bibliography and any attachments which includes images, tables or graphs), double spaced, using Times New Roman font, 12-point, using 1 inch margins and headings for the paper format requirements.
The table of contents for the Course Project:
- Cover page
- Table of contents
- Abstract
- Brief company background
- Discussion of business problem(s)
- High level solution
- Benefits of solving the problem
- Business or technical approach
- Business process changes
- Technology or business practices used to augment the solution
- Conclusions and overall recommendations
- High-level implementation plan
- Summary of project
- References
- Appendices
Project Proposal:-
Managerial Applications of Information Technology
Prof. Jose Tubilleja
Carla Smith
Access Database for the Courts of Turks and Caicos Islands
This paper seeks to illuminate the creation of an entire Access Database for the Courts System of the Turks and Caicos Islands. The system will allow the Magistrate and Supreme Court personnel to view each client's criminal information via a database system. Currently, The Courts system throughout the Turks and Caicos Islands documentation records are paper based. The Supreme Court in Grand Turk (The country's Nation Capital) was victim to a sadistic fire that damaged the entire building and all its contents. This fire resulted in serious lost to the Court, as subsequently, there were no electronic system in place to house this data prior to. Hence all records including cases already persecuted and pending ones were lost.
Accordingly, the Writer wish to create a comprehensive and secure database where all the Court's records will be stored and accessible to authorized personnel of the organization. The stored information will be saved in the database and available upon request for the preparation of court and public search throughout the Turks and Caicos Islands. This connectivity will enable all courts, the ability to update as they become available critical information; more importantly enable the viewing of live data of clients as is necessary. The Writer's project will analyze these factors and propose a solution.
Statement of Goal
My goal is to provide a database, which will be accessible to the courts of Turks and Caicos. The database will be user friendly, which will make the learning process easier on the staff of the courts. Providing this database will allow the information to be accessible to the courts throughout Turks and Caicos Islands. It also secures the information so that the court will always have access to electronic data for continuity purposes in the event of a catastrophe. Thus eliminating the lost of valuable data, experienced several years ago.
Specific Objectives
- For each employee of the court to be introduced to basic computer classes, and the processing electronic data. The enhancement of a hands-on reach of client's information, in a fast growing database system to the court client's information.
- For the courts personnel to be knowledgeable of the other courts in the country update of client's information.
- For the search process of public information to be faster and more easily accessible.
Solution Scope and Project Plan
The Writer will examine all aspects of the Court's requirements by soliciting input from all staff of the court. During the research, the Writer will examine closely the feasibility for the location of the HUB, budget requirements with respect to equipment purchase and installation cost. The Writer will also assess the volume of users. That is the current employee base and if necessary the reduction or the increase of human resource.
Recommended Course of Action
Based on the history of misplacement, loss, and damage sustained by the Court system over the years with respect to critical court records, the Writer has determine that it is imperative that the Government invest in employing a comprehensive Database Access system, to electronically store the client's information from all Courts within the Turks and Caicos Islands.
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