Write the given assignment

Assignment Help Custom Essay
Reference no: EM131160105

Write the Given Assignment:
1. a annottated bibliography
2. the essay from 2-4 pages long.

Read the teacher's feedback on the thesis and the other document is the directions.

My argumentative essay will be on diets and diet fads and how the media, social media and false advertising is designed to cause damage to those listening that won't follow the one rule stated in all advertising "consult your physician before following this or any other plan".

My essay will outline the dangers of false advertising or omitting the truth in this ads can cause a range of problems and issues for viewers and listeners.

Argument Essay
Your researched paper this semester will be argumentative. You may choose your own topic; it must be one that a reasonable person would argue against. The first stage of the paper will be a topic proposal explaining what you intend to write about. The proposal
may be as brief as a single paragraph but should be specific; I will help you broaden or narrow your focus to suit the length of the essay if necessary. This stage must he completed, and the proposal uploaded on Blackboard, no later than 7/26 (or turned in during class that night) for your final draft to be accepted.

The second stage is the annotated bibliography, which will be due on 7131. I'll explain this in more detail in class. In a nutshell, it is a short description of each of your sources.

Having the annotated bibliography is helpful as you head into writing your final draft and especially the works cited page.

The length of your paper will be two-to-four pages, plus a works cited page, typed according to MLA guidelines, citing the source(s) you use. You must cite at least two sources, one of which must be a print source (book, magazine, journal, etc.). It must be authoritative and appropriate to the topic. Remember to completely and accurately cite the source of any quoted or paraphrased material. Failure to do so constitutes plagiarism and will result (at a minimum) in a grade of 0 on the assignment.

We will spend class time on 8/2 working on peer revisions and discussing MLA format. I will be available to help you at any stage; please ask for help if you need it.

In addition to writing the paper, you will also present a three- to five-minute informative speech on your topic. The presentation component should not be simply a reading aloud of your paper. You may have note cards if you want, but you should use them only as a guide to keep you on track as you speak, and you should be prepared to respond to questions about your topic.

Reference no: EM131160105

Questions Cloud

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Is there an outlier of bmi among the children : A sleep clinic sees 10 new patients a day. Approximately 45% of patients are diagnosed with sleep apnea. What is the probability that 4 of the patients will be diagnosed with sleep apnea?
Write the given assignment : Write essay will be on diets and diet fads and how the media, social media and false advertising is designed to cause damage to those listening that won't follow the one rule stated in all advertising ".
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Advertisement worthwhile ow many of the original buyers : Consider a publisher who earns a profit of one dollar per book sold. An advertisement that costs 340000 would sell 80,000 books directly. To make the advertisement worthwhile ow many of the original buyers must each persuade just one another pers..
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