Reference no: EM13947933
Use vi to create a data file with records. You will then sort the data.
* Log in to the Linux system as a user, and then open a Terminal emulation window.
* Type mkdir Project2-9, and then press Enter.
* Type cd Project2-9, and then press Enter.
* Type vi infile.dat, and then press Enter. The vi editor opens.
* To insert text, press Esc, and then Type i.
* Enter the following text and make sure you press Enter at the end of each line. (Each row is considered an employee record with colons separating the fields. The first field is the employee number. The second field is the employee name, and the third field is the employee salary.)
* To save the file, press Esc, and then type the colon symbol (:). The cursor moves to the bottom of the screen with a colon to its left.
* To write the file, type wq!, and then press Enter. The prompt returns.
* Sort the data in ascending order by typing sort infile.dat, press
* Enter, and then record the output.
* Sort the data in descending order by typing sort -r infile.dat, press * Enter, and then record the output.
* Sort the data in descending order and redirect the output to another file by typing sort -r infile.dat > reverse_sort.dat, and then press Enter.
* Sort the data in ascending order, redirect the output to another file, and then record the command you used.
* Close your window, and then log out.
Project 2-10
You will use the files created in Project 2-10. Project 2-10 requires completion of Project 2-9.
* Log in to the Linux system as a user, and then open a Terminal emulation window.
* Type cd Project2-9, and then press Enter.
* Cut the first field.
* Cut the second field.
* Cut the third field.
* Cut both the first and third field and redirect the output to a new file named salary.dat.
* Make a duplicate of infile.dat by typing cp infile.dat infile2.dat, and then press Enter.
* Open the file named infile2.dat, and add five additional records. Add a sixth record that has your name. Also, create a fictitious employee number and employee salary to complete your record.
* Type diff infile.dat infile2.dat, and then press Enter. Record the output.
* Close your window, and then log out.
Attachment:- ff.png
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