Write the current and past techniques - iot research report

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM132081851

IoT Research Report


Choose one of the topics given below and submit a research project, which should not exceed 4000 words. The help file is available in the Student Resources Folder on Interact2.

Topics to select from but not limited to:
- IoT Smart City
- IoT Mining Industry
- IoT Health Care
- IoT in Farming
- IoT for Independent Living of the Older Generation
- IoT for Reducing Food Wastage in Australia
- IoT in Finance Industry and Security Challenges
- Business Intelligence in IoT
- Future of the Fog Domain
- IoT and Data Analytics
- IoT in Intelligent Transport Systems
- Big Data challenges in IoT and Cloud
- Machine Learning for Intelligent Decision Making in IoT
- Common Currency for IoT
- Utilising block chain technology in IoT

If you think of any other related topics please talk to your lecturer before deciding.

1. Analyse the Task (Milestone 1: Should be completed by 10 Aug 18)

Analyse what is expected of you. This includes careful reading of the assignment task as specified in the Subject Outline. The executive summary of the research project is to be written as an Abstract.

For Analysis:

i. What is the purpose of this report?

ii. What is the topic you have chosen for your report? (The topic can be one specified as above, but you can come up with new ideas and topics of your choice in IoT)

iii. What is the expected format of the report? (Refer to the format on Interact2 resources: Assignment 3 Help file).

iv. Come up with a Problem Statement based on your topic, note it down and discuss it with your lecturer.

v. Write a small executive summary as an abstract

2. Introduce the Problem or Challenges (Milestone 2: Should be completed by 03 Sep 18)

i. Write the Introduction to the problem and domain.

ii. Structure of the report including which section covers what.

3. Do the Research: Literature Review and Annotated Bibliography (Milestone 3: Should be completed by 17 Sep 18)

This is the main part of the research project and could take more time.

i. Review of Literature based on past and current work in your topic (download from conference proceedings, journal articles - use Primo search to access more articles and journals - Minimum 10 journals or articles)

ii. Structure in chronological order and start summarising.

iii. Annotated Bibliography of minimum 5 papers from journals or articles:

iv. Based on the literature, list the requirements for your Project, then choose one or more requirements to work with.

v. Now you can modify your Problem Statement based on the requirements chosen for your project.

vi. Write the current and past techniques or technologies used to solve your problem, the requirements and Literature Review

4. Final Report (Milestone 4: Submission Due 30 Sep 18 NB if you ask for an extension, you will be required to submit the material for the above milestones first)

Start writing your draft, as you do your research project. (Put it all together)

i. Write an executive summary of the report (Purpose, Scope, Technologies, Annotated Bibliography, Recommendations, Future Research and Conclusion)

ii. Write the Introduction from Milestone 2

iii. Write a Review of Literature based on past and current work in your topic (no more than 3 pages)

- Briefly explain each technique/solution/issue used in the past and present (5 or more)

- Explain the technology/technique/solution which best suits your application/problem, based on various factors with proper justifications. This literature review can be one of the above technologies or applications or Issues or a combination of more than one.

- Annotated Bibliography of a minimum of 5 papers from journals or articles

iv. Include tables and graphs to support your justification and argument.

v. Discuss your research findings with a conclusion.

vi. Referencing must be in CSU APA6 format.

Verified Expert

This paper is a research report on The topic chosen for this report is about the use of the IoT in smart cities. The topic chosen for this report is about the use of the IoT in smart cities. This paper also also discuss some technical challenges which smart cities are facing and discuss reliable solutions.This report searches the concept of a wise city and proposes a strategic development format for implementing an IoT system in a smart urban environment.

Reference no: EM132081851

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11/1/2018 3:16:00 AM

It was a nice job and very good report prepared by the expert. It is really amazing to deal with such perfect team members. Most of the times I get the reply very fast. thanks for meeting the requirements and all the things I mentioned, Thank you.


8/9/2018 10:27:16 PM

if you go through assignment task 1 i.e milestone1 due date is tomorrow after that remaining assignment you can complete in week and i want quality in assignment Referencing must be in CSU APA6 format Length: 4000 Words Max Submission method options: Alternative submission method

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