Write the current and past techniques

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Reference no: EM132196503

Assessment - IoT Research Report


Choose one of the topics given below and submit a research project, which should not exceed 4000 words. The help file is available in the Student Resources Folder on Interact2.

Topics to select from but not limited to:
• IoT in Automobile Industry
• IoT Mining Industry
• IoT Health Care
• RFID Tags
• IoT for Independent Living of the Older Generation
• IoT for Reducing Food Wastage in Australia
• IoT in Finance Industry and Security Challenges
• Machine Learning in IOT
• Future of the Fog Domain
• IoT and Data Analytics
• IoT in Intelligent Transport Systems
• Big Data challenges in IoT and Cloud
• M2M connectivity architectures for Remote & Rural areas
• Common Currency for IoT
• Utilising block chain technology in IoT

If you think of any other related topics please talk to your lecturer before deciding. The use of a Research Report from this or another subject, even if it is your own, is considered Academic Misconduct. This report must be your own original work for this subject in this session.

1. Analyse the Task

Analyse what is expected of you. This includes careful reading of the assignment task as specified in the Subject Outline. Review the literature and produce an Annotated Bibliography of at least 10 Journal Articles and/or Conference Papers. The Annotated Bibliography must appear as a separate section in your Report.

For Analysis:

i) What is the purpose of this report?
ii) What is the topic you have chosen for your report? (The topic can be one specified as above, but you can come up with new ideas and topics of your choice in IoT)
iii) What is the expected format of the report? (Refer to the format on Interact2 resources: Assignment 3 Help file).
iv) Come up with a Problem Statement based on your topic, note it down and discuss it with your lecturer.
v) Produce the Annotated Bibliography

2. Do the Research: Literature Review
(Milestone 2: Should be completed by Week 8- 07/01/2019 )

This is the main part of the research project and could take more time.

i) Review of Literature based on past and current work in your topic (download from conference proceedings, journal articles - use Primo search to access more articles and journals - Minimum 10 journals or articles)
ii) Structure in chronological order and start summarising.
iii) Based on the literature, list the requirements for your Project, then choose one or more requirements to work with.
iv) Now you can modify your Problem Statement based on the requirements chosen for your project.
v) Write the current and past techniques or technologies used to solve your problem, the requirements and Literature Review

3. Introduce the Problem or Challenges
(Milestone 3: Should be completed by Week 10 - 21/01/2019) Write the Introduction to the problem and domain.
Structure of the report including which section covers what.

4. Final Report
(Milestone 4: Submission Due Week 11 - 27/01/2019) NB if you ask for an extension, you will be required to submit the material for the above milestones first.

Start writing your draft, as you do your research project. (Put it all together)

i) Use the Template provided in the Student Resources section. Your Report must have this format.

ii) Write the Abstract of the report (Purpose, Scope, Technologies, Annotated Bibliography, Recommendations, Future Research and Conclusion)

iii) Modify the Introduction from Milestone 3 if necessary

iv) Modify the Review of Literature form Milestone 2 if required, based on past and current work in your topic (no more than 3 pages)
Briefly explain each technique/solution/issue used in the past and present (5 or more)
Explain the technology/technique/solution which best suits your application/problem, based on various factors with proper justifications. This literature review can be one of the above technologies or applications or Issues or a combination of more than one.
Include the Annotated Bibliography from Milestone 1) with a minimum of 10 papers from journals or articles update and modify if necessary from Milestone 1. The Annotated Bibliography must appear as a separate section in your Report.

v) Include tables and graphs to support your justification and argument.

vi) Discuss your research findings with a conclusion.

vii) Referencing must be in CSU APA6 format. The reference section at the end of the Report is separate from the Annotated Bibliography.

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This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:
• be able to explain and demonstrate various components of Internet of Things (IoT).
• be able to analyse the role and importance of IoT in the modern world.
• be able to investigate and propose various requirements of IoT for real world applications.
• be able to evaluate a variety of existing and developing architecture technologies for IoT.
• be able to describe and evaluate different applications of the IoT.

Verified Expert

The report is mainly based on big data challenges in IOT and Cloud. In the first section the background and the purpose of the report is provided. In the second part, a section of literature review is provided and in the third part issues and challenges of the system along with few recommendations are provided. In the fourth part the advantages and disadvantages of big data challenges in IOT and cloud is provided.

Reference no: EM132196503

Questions Cloud

How server and client identities are validated : Write a one page report. Describe the SSL Handshake and then describe how server and client identities are validated and verified to ensure the connection.
Write a one-page position in favor of the policy : Imagine you are two different lobbyists, supporting two different sides of the policy. Write a one-page position in favor of the policy.
Explaining customer-based brand equity : Explaining Customer-Based Brand Equity. What is a specific brand that has established itself as highly salient in your mind in a particular usage situation.
How does project manager closes project or project phase : How does a Project Manager “Manage Project Knowledge” ? How does a Project Manager “Closes a Project or Project Phase”? (Project Management).
Write the current and past techniques : Write the current and past techniques or technologies used to solve your problem, the requirements and Literature Review - Structure in chronological order
Aggressively brand your knowledge management goals : To develop a knowledge-sharing culture in your business you need to aggressively brand your Knowledge Management goals.
What paradoxical when it comes to political participation : Student behavior is some what paradoxical when it comes to political participation.
Components of human resource management system : Training and development are the second components of the human resource management system
Compensatory model used for final selection decisions : Describe each of the four methods or approaches given in the Compensatory model used for final selection decisions.



12/17/2018 10:12:14 PM

All textual elements within an assessment must be submitted in a format that is readable by Turnitin. Specific exceptions, where an assessment requires the insertion of image based evidence of workings will be outlined in the context of the assessment. Students that deliberately attempt to insert content of assessments in a format that is not readable by Turnitin may be subject to Academic Misconduct investigations. References: You MUST use the CSU APA6 referencing style for all cited material you have used in your work (use in-text citations). You must use primary sources (ie Wikipedia is NOT acceptable, something you thought up yourself, because you think you know better, is also unacceptable - unless it has been published and peer reviewed, but then it would still need to be cited). Do not use direct quotes from sources, all your work must be written in your own words. Copying sections of text from other sources, even if referenced, is plagiarism and is considered Academic Misconduct.


12/17/2018 10:12:07 PM

Your assessment should be a maximum of 4000 words and submitted in either MS Word or PDF format (PDF usually preserves the formatting, MS Word may not - submit ONLY one). Do not submit your assignment in any other format and also do not submit multiple copies of the assessment. Use A4 page size with Times New Roman/Arial/Calibri font and use font size 11 or 12. Please include a title, your student ID and name with your submission. Your name should also be included as a footnote, with page numbers in your document.


12/17/2018 10:11:54 PM

Problem Solution or Recommendations or Findings Solution of the problem explained thoroughly Solution of the problem explained well Solution of the problem explained enough Solution of the problem explained incompletely 20 Writing Style and Grammar Correct styles and presentation Correct styles and presentation Correct styles and presentation could be improved. Correct styles and presentation incomplete. 10 Referencing All sections include the APA6 style referencing with in text Most sections include the APA6 style referencing with in text Enough sections include the APA6 style referencing with in text Some sections include the APA6 style referencing with in text missing 10 Total 85 - 100 75 - 84 65 - 74 50 - 64 100


12/17/2018 10:11:44 PM

Review of Literature Thorough comparisons of the background topic with minimum 5 parameters Choice of the best methodology to suit the problem Good comparisons of the background topic with minimum 5 parameters Good methodology to suit the problem Some comparison of the background topic with minimum 5 parameters Methodology to suit the problem Few comparisons of the background topic with few parameters Methodology to suit the problem but incomplete 20


12/17/2018 10:11:30 PM

Criteria HD DI CR PS Marks Abstract Comprehensive and precise description of the Abstract Thorough and clear description of the Abstract Moderate but clear description of the Abstract Most of the parts of Abstract included but some not clear 10 Introduction Thorough explanation of the topics Good explanation of the methodologies Moderate explanation of the methodologies Enough explanation of the methodologies 10 Annotated Bibliography Thorough and comprehensive research of minimum 10 journals and conference papers Good research of minimum 10 journal and conference papers Moderate research of 10 journal and conference papers Enough research of 10 journal and conference papers but not complete 20

Write a Review

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