Write the code using recursive decent parser

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM13167187

Given grammar Grammar M following:

1   <program>   - - > begin <statement list>  end

2   <statement list> - - > <statement> <statement tail>

3   <statement tail > - - > < statement > <statement tail>

4   <statement tail>  - - > λ 

5  <statement> - - > Id : = <expression>;

6  <statement>  - - > read ( <id list>) ;

7  <statement> - - > write ( <expr list> ) ;

8 <id list > - - >Id <id tail >

9 <id tail> - - > , Id <id tail>

10  <id tail>  - - > λ 

11 <expr list>  - - > <expression> <expr tail>

12 <expr tail > - - > , <expression> <expr tail>

13 <expr tail> - - > λ 

14 <expression> - - > <primary> <primary tail>

15 <primary tail> - - > <add op> <primary> <primary tail>

16 <primary tail> - - > λ 

17 <primary tail>  - - > (<expression>)

18 <primary>  - - > Id

19 <primary>  - - > INTLIT

20 <add op>  - - > +

21 <add op>  - - > - 

22 <system goal>   - - > <program> $

1) Write the code, using recursive decent  parser,

2) Write the code, using a table-driven parser,

Reference no: EM13167187

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