Write the classic arcade game of breakout

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13666178

Your job is to write the classic arcade game of Breakout, which was invented by Steve Wozniak before he founded Apple with Steve.

Short questions about the programs you've written. There is a file called writeup.txt included with the starter code for this programming assignment. Before you submit your final version of the assignment, please answer those questions. Your section leader can then discuss your answers during your interactive grading session for this assignment to help you improve your programming technique and style.

1. When discussing instance variables in lecture, we stressed that instance variables should be a "weapon of last resort" when communicating data around in a program. It's almost always preferable to use parameter passing and return values to move data between different parts of the program. For each instance variable in your program, explain why you chose to make it an instance variable rather than a local variable. (Constants don't count as instance variables, so you don't need to describe the constants in your program.)

2. The Breakout game ends either when the user loses three balls or when all the bricks are broken. How did you test whether the game would end correctly in this second case? Did you make any changes to the code when testing?

Reference no: EM13666178

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