Write the case study analysis to include a test drive

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM132101305

Please write a case study:

Please research and evaluate three software application packages for business intelligence, business analytics, and predictive analytics that can be integrated with EIMS solutions.

Each must be capable of being deployed via Cloud Computing and facilitate the intended uses in terms of their functionality and scope suitable for Business Intelligence Competency Center (BICC) implementation.

Write the case study analysis to include a "test drive" description with sufficient detail for potential software package source selection for EIMS solution.

1. Problem Statement --- The problem being addressed.

2. Challenges & Opportunities --- Background information on the problem.

3. Business Solution --- How management responded to the problem.

4. Lessons Learned/Business Case --- The results from the case that may provide learning points for use by others including economic justifications.

5. Why I Care --- Your conclusions for the impact on the Team Project.

6. References --- A minimum of six sources with at least three scholarly references in addition to the course textbook using APA format.

Reference no: EM132101305

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