Write temperature conversion program

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM1351391

Q1) You will write a temperature conversion program. The GUI and event handling setup should be done in the constructor of the class that implements the GUI. Your GUI class should contain a JFrame member variable. Do not use any of the GUI editing capabilities of Eclipse for this assignment. The temperature conversion application should have a JLabel and JTextField in which the user inputs a value. There should be a set of six JButtons on the display representing the following temperature conversions:

F-to-C F: Fahrenheit
C-to-F C: Celsius
K-to-C K: Kelvin

Event handling should be set up so that clicking on any one of the six buttons generates an event which your program handles. You must use an inner class to set up your event handling. You can display the result in an output text field or in a JLabel. Your program should accurately convert from Fahrenheit, Celsius, Kelvin to Fahrenheit, Celsius, Kelvin. NOTE: Only the selected conversion is displayed in the output area!!! When the conversion selection changes, the output area should change to show only the new result. The output should display three digits after the decimal point.

Reference no: EM1351391

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