Reference no: EM131849485
Question: 1. Locate an article, video, or other resource that relates to using PowerPoint or effective slide design. Using the saved PPT slide on your desktop, provide a summary of this resource on the provided body slide (slide 2). This should be a brief summary (much like Professional Experience #2). Include a link to the resource/information on the slide. Do not alter or delete any other students' slides.
2. Save the Your_Name_Wk5_PPT.pptx file. Upload your completed PowerPoint file to OneDrive by clicking "Upload" in the menu bar at the top of the OneDrive webpage.
RESOURCE OVERVIEW: • The slide shows are easy to create and update especially when making visual presentation.
• The slide master is essential in creation of consistent and simple design template. It is important for it to be consistent with other elements such as font, colors, and background.
• The word to be used should be simple with constant use of key phrases. The information included should only be essential.
• Contrasting colors should be used for the background. Patterned background should be avoided since it reduces readability of text.
• Images should be used to reinforce and compliment the message being presented. The images should be well designed to maintain resolution when projected on a large screen.
• The slides should be presented when placed a screen. The slides should be readable for an individual seated in the back row seats. The graphical images should be large enough.
Discuss the concept - applications of frequency distribution
: Discuss the concepts and applications of frequency distribution, shapes of distributions, skewness and kurtosis measures, and measures of central tendency.
Annuity-perpetuity and series of unequal cash flows
: calculating the present value and future value of a lump sum, annuity, perpetuity and a series of unequal (multiple) cash flows.
Possibly changed the history of the genocide
: 1. At what points could someone have intervened and possibly changed the history of the genocide?
What strategic argument style is used for persuasion
: What strategic argument style is used for persuasion? How does visual imagery attempt to persuade in ways the words do not?
Write summary of the resource on the provided body slide
: Locate an article, video, or other resource that relates to using PowerPoint or effective slide design. Using the saved PPT slide on your desktop.
Conflict and war between nation-states
: Pick a theory or level of analysis that you believe most completely represents the causes for conflict and war between nation-states
What is the central conflict of the narrative
: What is the central conflict of the narrative? What are the two sides of this conflict and how is the conflict resolved? Identify crisis stage of the narrative.
The bureaucracy and its effectiveness
: "The Bureaucracy and Its Effectiveness" Please respond to the following:
Why does the standard performance have a mean of zero
: Describe the measures used, their level (interval, ratio, ordinal, etc.), and the their descriptive statics (of central tendency and spread).