Reference no: EM132479290
For this assignment, continue to assume the role of a data analyst at Adventure Works Cycling Company. Evaluate the data associated with the drop in sales for the popular model "LL Road Frame-Black 60." Provide a hypothesis on what could be contributing to the falling sales identified in the initial business problem presented by your manager.
In 500 words, share these recommendations in a Word document that addresses the following.
Question 1: Summary of the business problem including the requestor who initially brought the problem to you.
Question 2: Summary of the data that were requested and how they was obtained.
Question 3: Discussion of the limitations of the available data and ethical concerns related to those limitations.
Question 4: Hypothesis of why sales of the popular model have dropped based upon data analysis. Reference the Excel file that summarizes the data findings that resulted from your queries.
Question 5: Recommendations for addressing the business problem.
Question 6: In addition to the report, the manager has requested that you submit the Excel files summarizing the data findings that resulted from your queries.
Question 7: The manager has also requested that you update the ERD you created in the Topic 5 assignment to include the tables generated as a result of the joins completed in the Topic 6 assignment. The ERD should clearly document the work stream and relationships