Write sql statements to implement return player annas grade

Assignment Help PL-SQL Programming
Reference no: EM131564358

Problem 1: Please write SQL statements to implement the following tasks.

You can ONLY use conditions listed in each task. You cannot add or change conditions by manually looking up data. E.g., if we look for a player named Anna, you cannot manually look up her pid.

Task 1: Return Player Anna's grade and rating.

Task 2: Return names of all elementary school players with rating over 1000.

Task 3: Return number of players registered for Baltimore January Action

Task 4: Return the name and rating of players who have registered for the Intermediate section of Baltimore January Action.

Task 5: Return the tournament name and number of players registered for each tournament.

Task 6: Return the name of tournament with at least 5 registered players

Task 7: Return the pairing information for the first round of Baltimore January Action.

Please include board ID, white player's name, white player's rating, black player's name, black player's rating

Task 8: Return the section name and average rating of players registered for each section in 'Baltimore January Action'

Problem 2: Please write a PL/SQL program to compute the sum of 13, 23, 33, ..., 103. Here i3 means cube of i (e.g., 23 = 8).

Attachment:- SQL-Assignment.rar

Reference no: EM131564358

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