Reference no: EM131538652
1. Start with the Zip Code Data Excel file (attached to this assignment as "zip-code-data.xlsx")
2. Insert a record for city COLUMBIA, state MD, zip 21044, and assign your city a tourist rating of 6.
3. Save it as a .csv file, and import it into your MySQL. Make a new database called my_zip_codes and name the table in it zip_code_data.
4. Write an SQL script which will query your zip_code_data table as follows:
a. Select just the city and zip code and rating (not the state)
b. For which the tourist rating is a 4 or higher (this will include all ratings of 4)
c. Sort it descending by tourist rating (so the highest rating is the first record)
d. Put a comma between all fields
e. And write just those records into an outfile called "Louis_hotspots.csv".
(It's OK if you want to use a suffix, like v01, v02, etc. when debugging and then just leave the suffix on when turning it in.)
5. Name your script ‘tourist.sql' .
6. Make sure it produces a results file with your personalized information in it. If my name is Carrie, my script should produce a resulting file named "carrie_hotspots.csv". And Carrie's favorite city should be featured at the top line among the results.
7. It's OK if you want to use the sample scripts provided here as a starting place from which you do your import and your export. Remember your outfile will be somewhere else initially, and you'll need to pull it down with FileZilla.
8. TURN IN #1: attach your script (Note the requirement here is a full SQL script, with comments; see the SQL script rubric from Week 1 to see how to do this. It is OK if your script requires the user to have created, loaded, and activated the database before running the script, and simply issues the SQL commands. If this is the case, make sure your comments reflect that.) 9.
Attachment:- Zip-Code-Data.rar