Write six pages research paper regarding an data ware house

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131525534

Assignment: Dataware House

Write a 6 pages research paper regarding an data ware house.


• The paper must concentrate on a topic chosen in Dataware house. The textbook MODERN DATABASE MANAGEMENT Ed:12 Yr:16 Author Hoffer must be used as one of the minimum three references for the paper.

• APA format should be followed in regard to the completion of this paper. It should be APA 6.0 format.

• A minimum of three references should be used and identified in body of paper.

• A Techically and gramaticaly should be good.

• Plagarisam free paper.

Reference no: EM131525534

Questions Cloud

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Write six pages research paper regarding an data ware house : Write a 6 pages research paper regarding an data ware house.
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What is the value chain activity from the case : What is the value chain activity from the case and what are the primary and support activities involved - what are the value created.


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