Reference no: EM131263810
Write this section of my paper? my paper is attached, if you could add it to it, that would be great. also can you do an annotated bibliography?
Cultural Impact Analysis (about 2-3pages)
o Commercial Culture: Consider the elements that comprise the culture and subcultures related to this technology and issue. Look at advertising for the technology, the use of celebrities or stars or heroes, the applications (e.g. sports and nanotechnology) and the valuesrepresented by the culture. What has priority and why?
o Identity: how has this technology impacted our identities? Forexample, are we more aware of generational differences now in the 21stcentury than we were previously? Has technology changed our values, expectations, andrelationships?
o Language and Communication: What new words have been added to our vocabulary from this technology? "Horseless carriage" was usedlong before the term "automobile." "Wireless" preceded Wi-Fi, and webcasting preceded podcasting. "Broadcast" was a term adapted from agriculture long before it was used for radio and television. Many gamer terms have become a normal part of ourvocabulary.
o The Arts: How do musicians and artists react to the technology or use the technology or incorporate the technology in their artistic productions? For example, fiber optic lighting has been used on the stage and in parades (Disney) for costuming. The drama term "In the limelight," for example, was derived from a lens/lighting system used in lighthouses. Look at literature-perhaps science fiction or fantasy stories-that predate the technology (Jules Verne, for example, wrote about submarines before they were actually invented and used-though Leonardo da Vinci had sketched the idea centuries before Verne). Are there any songs, short stories, poems, plays, TV shows, or films that directly make reference to the technology? Are there any "related" literary works that apply? Is the artifact in a museum or will it be? Why? How does the technology relateto concepts of beauty and novelty and human creativity? How can people express their humanity through this technology? An example:scientists experimenting with nano technology made a "nano guitar" that actually played a tune, though it was subthreshold human hearing.
o Politics: Look at government policy, government intervention,government involvement (support or lack of support, funding), both nationally and internationally. Consider Congress, the President, the Supreme Court (decisions), the rate of change, liberalism, conservatism, legislation, litigation, etc. What political factors are at work in the progression or regression of the technology (e.g. lobbyists, special interest groups, partisan views, vocal advocates or spokespersons)? For example: The Americans with Disabilities Act was designed to prevent discrimination and encourage accessibility to public facilities; it impacted architects, companies, organizations and persons with disabilities through the installation of ramps (wider doors, lower knobs/handles, larger restroom stalls), the use of assistive devices in schools and in the workplace, hiring practices and lawsuits against employers,etc.
o Visual 4: Create a visual related to culturalimpact
· EthicalAnalysis Discussion (1-2 pages)
o You will have already examined some of the ethical issues related to your topic in each section. However, you will also devote one section to discussion the ethical considerations in more detail.
o Write a detailed evaluation of the ethical considerations associatedwith the technology in relation to itsimpact
o A discussion of ethical considerations within two of the ethicaltheory frameworks discussed in the readings/class.
o Visual 5: Create an illustration (you can use SmartArt or a table) of at least two specific ethical theories that differentiates their varying approachesin consideration of the questions raised by the selectedtechnology
Attachment:- Emerging Technology Wireless Electricity.rar