Write review on article with references in apa format

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Reference no: EM131963401

Write review on this article with references in APA format

When designing software, it has become the standard to establish a checks and balance for ensuring that your code is secure from bugs and vulnerabilities.

This is true from security system architects demonstrating an in-depth expertise in programming methods to code-design methods that are part of an acquisition development lifecycle program.

In a Department of Defense Instruction it states that effective Cybersecurity in DoD acquisition programs encompasses all of the necessary actions taken to ensure the Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability (CIA) of system information to enable warfighting operations (DoDI 5000.02).

This objective to keep an awareness of the weaknesses throughout the development process of the computer software security as it relates to biblical applications is best found in the Apostle Paul's letter to Timothy stating, I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching (2 Timothy 4:1-2, ESV).

The current market trend in the cybersecurity environment, especially with government entities, is to transfer the security analysis and penetration services to a third party vendor. When considering the global trends of drawing from networking design technologies in aiding the teaching of new cryptography and computer security methods, consider this. The phenomenon of Bitcoin has brought a new mindset in bridging the gap between crypto protocol and computer security code development.

In this case, the deficiency presented places the vulnerability weakness on the shoulder of the social network participants. This observation was observed by a Russian Engineering Physicist and later undertaken in a research study. To further make this point, it was rationalized that the ordinary user would have nothing to hide and that some individuals could mask their questionable habits behind Tor systems with the aide of Bitcoin.

This role reversal causes Shcherbakov (2017) to state, although quite an obvious point, is that the cybereconomics and cybersecurity components of the social life are certain derivatives from computer and cryptographic security. In the first place, however, security solutions consist not in developing new algorithms but in system and framework solutions that rely on well examined and well-known mathematical grounds.


Department of Defense Instruction, USD (AT&L). (2015). Operation of the Defense Acquisition System, Ser. 5000.02. Shcherbakov, A. Y. (2017). New cryptography and computer security teaching methods using network technologies. Scientific and Technical Information Processing, 44(4), 305-307. doi:10.3103/S0147688217040141 RD

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The paper presents the review of the article " New cryptography and computer security teaching methods using network technologies" published in Journal "Scientific and Technical Information Processing" in 2017. The paper is prepared for 156 words, referencing in APA format.

Reference no: EM131963401

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4/30/2018 3:57:30 AM

I have to write review on this article with references in APA format When designing software, it has become the standard to establish a checks and balance for ensuring that your code is secure from bugs and vulnerabilities. This is true from security system architects demonstrating an in-depth expertise in programming methods to code-design methods that are part of an acquisition development lifecycle program.

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